Recovery done different.

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Hi, we're Rick & Katie.

And we healed and transformed our relationship after Rick's 25 year porn addiction almost destroyed it.

Neither one of us were prepared for how difficult and complex this addiction really was.

I was a deeply wounded divorced mom who'd already been through multiple severe betrayal traumas. He was an unrealized porn addict of 25 years.

It quickly became clear that porn was interfering with our new life together.

Thankfully, he told me if it was between me or porn, he chose me. ❤️

We thought that was the end of it...

But 2 years later we were still fighting this.

And I hit my breaking point when he relapsed again, hid it and lied to me for several weeks. It was over between us.

You can hear the rest of the story on our YouTube channel where we interview each other about this difficult recovery journey. 

After porn addiction almost destroyed our family, we knew we had to use the things we learned in this painful journey to help others.


With a combined 24 years of previous experience mentoring, coaching and helping people better their lives...

We now had a new passion.

So, like any reasonable person would do, Rick quit his job and we devoted every ounce of energy to creating a proprietary program to help couples save their relationship and their families.

That program is now complete and is changing lives.


Relationship Rebuild

A program specifically designed to help couples overcome the effects of pornography addiction, and rebuild a truly monogamous relationship -

From a couple who's done it themselves first.

Nueroscience Based Approach

A non-religious, non-shaming approach based on psychology, neuroscience and the study of human behavior. 

Free 30 Minute Call

Not a sales call. Let us give you some insight based on our experience and help with what's challenging you most.

From A Couple Who's Been There

Unique to our program, you're talking with a couple who's got first hand experience getting to the other side of this difficult journey.

There is hope.

Unfortunately, without going through the experience of having a partner with addiction, or being educated on this societal pandemic, many have no grounding in the reality of what daily porn use does to the brain.

That neuroadaptations can eventually change the way they see their partner. Can change their level of attraction for them. Can cause them to end up suffering from PIED and wind up in a sexless marriage. Or how easily porn use escalates into online interactions, hiding, deceit and in-person infidelity. Or that all of this leads to complex betrayal trauma for their partners that they may never be able to recover their relationship from.

And even if he DOES overcome this and stop his use, many couples still never recover and end up losing their relationships.

If you're on this trajectory, we want you to know you're not alone and there is hope.


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Common FAQ's About Recovery

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